Can you say Jet Lag??
We are exhausted! And we blame it on Jet lag. Though we are employing all the tips on how to recover from jet lag -- we are not recovering as quicky as we hoped to. Chloe has been waking up around 3:00 until 5:30!! Help! We can't take it any more. Not only that, I think I have the flu!
I just looked on the yahoo group for our trip and other families are having the same problems -- not that it makes me feel better ... but to have a common place to vent about sleep deprivation is great. One of the moms, Marilyn, said it takes 1 day for every hour of time difference -- being that China is 15 hours ahead of California we can expect another week of this.
Well I guess this is a small price to pay now that our sweet girl is at home. Her adobable smile at 4 am makes it bearable for my blurry, blood-shot eyes! She lives up to being a "Sight for sore eyes"!
Speaking of eyes, yesterday her adoring and entertaining brother Caleb enthusiastically looked at her and claimed "EYES"!! "EYES"!! and proceeded to unintintionally poke his finger in them. I pray we're on our toes soon so we can run interference and keep her from more serious proddings and pokings!
Well it's 10:40 pm and my little beauty is WIDE AWAKE and rocking in her new activity center. What a fun time she is having -- I am paying she will be tired soon AND not wake up before 7:30 am!
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