Paper WORK!
Today and tomorrow are our days to do the bulk of the paperwork required to complete Chloes adoption here in China. We spent three hours filling out paperwork in the am. Then took a break and went shopping at Shaiman Island. Came back in the late afternoon and had the China team review the forms and other required documentation and then Norman the Director of USAA met with all families to check once more. They are so detailed and helpful. AND they provided childcare for Chloe while I completed the process.
There was a bowling tournement scheduled tonight where the families were to take on the USAA staff. Although I really wanted to go, I made the right decision and stayed in as I am exhausted and was feeling for Chloe who has been so great going here and there. Ordered from Danny's Bagels who delivers to your hotel room. Their menu is great AND its PEANUT OIL FREE! Danny is an expat who started a take out & delivery business which is well known among adoptive families and had been recommended before we went. It was much better than the tasteless & reduculously priced $50 room service Scott and I had orderd last week.
Tomorrow we have to stay in the hotel until noon while USAA takes the paperwork to the US Consulate in case there are any problems processing them. In the afternoon there are trips to the fabric market and the electronics market. Can you guess which one I am loking forward to?
In the evening we will be taking a boat ride on the Pearl River. Hopefully there will be clear skies so we can see all the beautiful city lights. Scott's probably not sad to miss this part of the trip. We miss him so!
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