Friday, September 30, 2005
Monday, September 26, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Can you say Jet Lag??
We are exhausted! And we blame it on Jet lag. Though we are employing all the tips on how to recover from jet lag -- we are not recovering as quicky as we hoped to. Chloe has been waking up around 3:00 until 5:30!! Help! We can't take it any more. Not only that, I think I have the flu!
I just looked on the yahoo group for our trip and other families are having the same problems -- not that it makes me feel better ... but to have a common place to vent about sleep deprivation is great. One of the moms, Marilyn, said it takes 1 day for every hour of time difference -- being that China is 15 hours ahead of California we can expect another week of this.
Well I guess this is a small price to pay now that our sweet girl is at home. Her adobable smile at 4 am makes it bearable for my blurry, blood-shot eyes! She lives up to being a "Sight for sore eyes"!
Speaking of eyes, yesterday her adoring and entertaining brother Caleb enthusiastically looked at her and claimed "EYES"!! "EYES"!! and proceeded to unintintionally poke his finger in them. I pray we're on our toes soon so we can run interference and keep her from more serious proddings and pokings!
Well it's 10:40 pm and my little beauty is WIDE AWAKE and rocking in her new activity center. What a fun time she is having -- I am paying she will be tired soon AND not wake up before 7:30 am!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
We're Home!
Chloe and I arrived last night at 12 pm. We were exhausted but happy when we saw an entourage of family and friends cheering as we came off the plane. It was a joyous moment. Chloe smiled sweetly as she was passed fom grandparents to uncles to aunts, cousinsa and friends. FINALLY we had arrived to our homeland. Earlier at 8:00 pm when we crossed through immigration at LAX and handed over a bundle of paperwork she became an american citizen!
Today we enjoyed more visits and phone calls from family and friends. Our house is a wreck though my sister in law Saint Kirsten cleaned up the night before. Looking forward to getting unpacked and settling in and on CA time. Praying for a quick recovery from jet lag and a cold.
Thanks to many prayers from many people and many places, we are happy and safe at home.
Friday, September 16, 2005
First Plane Ride

Waiting in the airport with new friends.
Chloe's first plane ride. There were lots of fun buttons to keep her busy but sleep was her main activity being it was a night flight! Thank goodness she is an easy baby. With all the waits, maintenance problems, immigration and a connecting flight I think we were travelling for 24 hours -- well at least it felt that way!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Shopping, Swearing In and Farewells
Today was our last full day in China. What better way to start if off! REturned to my favorite spot, the Jade Market. Its a great place for photo ops and full of interstting things to buy beside Jade like old coins, antiques, interesting jems and jewlery. This time Melanie from Menlo Park, Toni, Wayne and Gabby joined Chloe and me. I loved shopping with Melanie as we both seem to love shopping AND we enjoy arsty type of things -- so we shopped until the last possible moment. My most exciting acquision was a binder FULL of interesting collage items with interesting and colorful graphics. I was so excited to buy the entire collection I was shaking! IfI had purchased them in the states I would have paid 10 times as much. What a I'll have to carve out some time to use them.
In the afternoon all the families went to the US Consulate to swear that all the documentation we submitted for our children was true. They gave us our visas and told us that when our babies touch American soil they will officially become citizens. I had thought the swearing in was when they became citizens -- look like we will have to wait to tomorrow until that happens. What an exciting moment that will be -- and we will be reunited with our family.
In the eveining we all mounted the busses and headed out to the restauraunt where they held the farewell party. After taking a group picture in front of a billboard for Deng Chou Peng we entered Party Central. We had a feast that started with a shot of rice wine. Man these USAA people sure enjoy their alcohol. After the rounds of drinks, the USAA staff gave each child a gift and a Chinese lullaby CD -- how sweet! Next came the blaring disco music. Everyone stood up and boogied to the beat and cheered. We even did the congo line -- it's hte first congo line i had seen with strollers!
One of the songs they introduced as the USAA song for the parents and childen. It was a song by a pop Australian band that I had never hear of that's lyrics made me squeeze Chloe tight and start to cry. The lyrics said something about being in my heart and soul and brought me out of the party frenzy for a moment. We have been having such a great time visiting China -- as the USAA team has worked hard to show us a great time -- but the greatest and most lasting treasure is our little girl!
I am packing now and may not have time to update more until I return.
China has certainly been a great place to visit. I think I am most struck by the kindness of the people. Though we are strangers, I think I have felt more welcome here than any other place I have visited. I will have to come back -- at least to show Chloe and Caleb more of this beautuful place -- or maybe if God leads to adopt another precious angel.
See you all when we get home.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
YEAH!! We Got Our Children's Visas Approved
On the bus ride to the fabric and electric markets we were told that our paperwork was PERFECT which means ALL 39 children's visas were approved. We owe it all to the meticulos work of our agency US Asian affairs. I can not say enough about their professionalism, hospitality and genuine care for all of us. They know us by name and try to meet every need we have. Especially with Scott being gone I need an extra hand from time to time. And if it isn't the China Team helping us, it's the other families. I feel so blessed to have met so many wonderful people.
Speaking of visas I am told it is extremely difficult for the Chinese to get visas to the US. It's especially hard if you are single and a woman.
I'm on my way out the door to the Pearl River Cruise. I ordered a delicious burger through room service as I am told the food is not so great on the boat but the view is worth it. We're lucky we have clear skies today.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Adorable! Amazing!

to meet this gift from above in person.
Paper WORK!
Today and tomorrow are our days to do the bulk of the paperwork required to complete Chloes adoption here in China. We spent three hours filling out paperwork in the am. Then took a break and went shopping at Shaiman Island. Came back in the late afternoon and had the China team review the forms and other required documentation and then Norman the Director of USAA met with all families to check once more. They are so detailed and helpful. AND they provided childcare for Chloe while I completed the process.
There was a bowling tournement scheduled tonight where the families were to take on the USAA staff. Although I really wanted to go, I made the right decision and stayed in as I am exhausted and was feeling for Chloe who has been so great going here and there. Ordered from Danny's Bagels who delivers to your hotel room. Their menu is great AND its PEANUT OIL FREE! Danny is an expat who started a take out & delivery business which is well known among adoptive families and had been recommended before we went. It was much better than the tasteless & reduculously priced $50 room service Scott and I had orderd last week.
Tomorrow we have to stay in the hotel until noon while USAA takes the paperwork to the US Consulate in case there are any problems processing them. In the afternoon there are trips to the fabric market and the electronics market. Can you guess which one I am loking forward to?
In the evening we will be taking a boat ride on the Pearl River. Hopefully there will be clear skies so we can see all the beautiful city lights. Scott's probably not sad to miss this part of the trip. We miss him so!
Monday, September 12, 2005
Today's Activities
Just got back from the variety show at the "farm". The farm was actually a beautiful resort with and assortment of activities and sights. First we saw the much talked about Pig Dive which was quite comical. Eight or so pigs ran up a ramp and reluctantly jumped off a five foot jump into the water below. It lived up to its billing and reviews! Then we saw a few farm animals before we arrived at the cock fight which was less than interesting. The cocks were almost featherless and looked worn out --- well who wouldn’t be if you were pecked on all day long!! Watched for a few seconds and kept Chloe’s eyes distracted on other things – not exactly a kid’s show. Afterward we had dinner in an air conditioned challenged restaurant. The spread was spectacular -- but of course due to peanut oil I had to pass and “feasted” on a bowl of rice, tasty bok choy and lots of beer. Then came the grand finale…the “variety show” which was interesting but way too loud. I had to cover Chloe’s ears so her eardrums did not burst. There were amazing acrobats, a disco magician, a man who balanced and tossed heavy planters of all things (now who would think up such a thing would actually entertain anyone is beyond me) To top it off the emcee who looked like a wanna be superstar began singing songs in Chinese at the top of his lungs kinds sounded like rap and roosters who had been in too many cock fights. Chloe didn’t like it so it gave me a reason to rescue our eardrums and take a walk. In the morning all the 38 families went to Shaiman Island got passport photos of our kids and the mandatory medical check up. Chloe weights 16 lbs and the doctors gave her a clean report. After the check-up went shopping with our new friends Marnia, Bob and Bobby. Boy was it hot and humid. Though it was a bit uncomfortable, Chloe was a gem. She is such an easy baby. I bought 8 pair of adorable leather squeaky shoes and a few outfits -- very cute and great prices. Went home and showered for the group outing at the farm. All this activity and the sticky weather exhausts me.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Scott's gone!!
Though we had quite a fun day, it was sad because Scott had to return home. Chloe and I will truly miss him and we were all disappointed he can not participate in the rest of the activities on our trip. Caleb will be happy though as he will have his daddy home. I can't wait to see both when we arrive back in the US.
This morning we went to Six Banyan Temple where some of the families had their babies dedicated by some Buddhist monks. We watched but did not participate as we will have Chloe dedicated at our church PCC by our pastor. After the ceremony, I climbed one of the pagodas and strangely enough i seemed to have a bit of vertigo. I felt queazy and it felt as if the eight story building was going to fall over.
Later we went shopping which is a daily activity as there is a plethora of interesting things to look at and buy -- and I thought the US had an overwhelming assortment of items to puchase. Scott and I tried an alcohol which was flavored with three kinds of snakes which were fermented in the bottle for 10 years. It tasted quite good and had a flavor similar to whiskey.
In the evening we had a pizza party reunion as all the families who had gone to different provinces had returned. It was quite exciting as the leaders of USAA are quite the hosts and enjoy partying. There were probably 100 people total including the USAA staff.
Though the party was fun it was not the same without Scott. I pray he has a safe flight home and does not have too much a problem adjusting to CA time.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
We're having a great time!!
When I laid with Chloe on the cozy bed of our five star hotel I start

This afternoon we experienced Li Wan Plaza which is a pedestiran mall with elements of old Guangzhou. It was a parking lot of people. WOW!! There were so many people I felt a bit claustrophobic. Certainly was not a great place to have a stroller as I had to fight my way to move two feet. Using strollers in such a densely packed place isn't such a great idea -- next time we'll just carry her and take along a small backpack.
At the end of Li Wan Plaza, we wandered into the jade market which was beyond our imagination and such a sight to see. I was in shopping paradise!! Jade, collage elements, old photos, coins, beads, pearls...and of course fabulous photo ops. I was in shopping heaven. And best of all, Chloe is such an easy shopping companion. What a delight.
Friday, September 09, 2005
An Emotional and Exhausting Day
Today was a doozie! We took a three hour bus ride with Chloe and the other families to visit the orphanage Chloe spent the first months of her life. There are 80 kids (age newborn to 2 1/2) living in a clean, humble yet well maintained government facility. There are 10 kind people caring for all these sweet babies who are mostly girls.
I was surprised we were able to visit the room where Chloe had been only five days earlier. It was a cold, clean room with approximately 40 steel cribs with wooden "mattresses" and no covers. Some kids were crying, some standing staring at us, some oddly were sitting on the cold linoleum floor and others were amazingly sleeping. Many of us clung to our kids as we looked in amazement and shed tears of sadness for those who still needed parents. I took some pictures but felt a bit wierd about it -- what was I taking pictures for really? I saw a baby crying who was not in her crib so I picked her up hoping the caretakers would not mind. We were all walking in a daze until it was time to leave. I am amazed that Chloe is so well adapted clearly having a clean and caring place but little staff to care for all the needs little ones have.
Most orphanages do not let families visit let alone take pictures due to an extremely negative documentary on Chinese orphanages ten years ago yet we were priviledged to do so. As you look, please pray for the children that they too will have parents one day soon.
Our bus ride on the way back was stressful and tiring. There was been a shortage of gas due to teh hurricanes that have hit China so we were a bit anxious when our bus had stopped at the third gas station and the signs said "No GAS". Scott and I prayed that the next stop had gas as we could not imagine bearing the heat with a bunch of hungry and tired babies on the bus!! What a disaster that would have been. Sure enough at the next stop there was gas. God provides! Hallelujah. After the gas crisis, we hit traffic about 30 miles away from our hotel and it took us SEVEN hours to return. I have never experienced such a traffic jam in my life! Here in China they do not believe in lanes or lines -- everone just squishes in and tries to go their way. Some of the problem was due to some semi trucks stopping in the far right "lane" for a nap. People were getting out of their cars, trucks etc. It was a mess! We all cheered when the bus driver pulled into the parking lot of the hotel. It was late so we ordered room service (which was less than desirable) and hit the pillows hard.
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial

Today we visited the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial. Sun Yat-sen was born in 1866 in the Guangdong province. He was a leading figure in China's revolution against the Qing government and the first President of the Republic. In August 1905, he formulated the Three Principles of the People - nationalism, democracy, and social well-being - which he believed were the guidelines for building a modern China.
Above is a picture of Chloe and Mom and one of other USAsian Affairs adoptive families at the memorial. Boy, were we glad to get back on the air conditioned bus what humidity!
Why Chinese children are smarter
Now that I'm the father of a Chinese child, I'm allowed to say that I think it's clear they are very, very bright children. Mine is obviously brilliant, needless to say...
Perhaps this photo gives a clue as to why. This is from a baby ABC book that we bought at a children's bookstore here.

No fooling with "queen" or "quack" over here -- straight to "quadrangle"! In the "exercises" section in the back of the book, the babies practice the pythagorean theorem...